Pesnik, prozni pisac,
esejista, kritičar i prevodilac, Nina Živančević je objavila prvu knjigu poezije “Pesme” u izdanju Nolita 1982. i za
nju dobila uglednu Brankovu nagradu. Do sada je objavila 13 poetskih zbirki na srpskom, francuskom i engleskom. Objavila je šest proznih knjiga i 2 teoretska eseja -
monografiju o recepciji dela Miloša Crnjanskog (doktorska teza) i studiju
o našim umetnicama u egzilu, “Onze
femmes artistes, nomads et slaves”.
Dobitnica mnogih književnih nagrada, prevodila, uređivala a i lično učestvovala u brojnim pesničkim antologijama
svetskog značaja.
Kao urednica i korespondent sarađuje sa časopisima i novinama kao sto su “Nin”,
“Politika”, “Dnevnik”, “Prestup”, “Moment”, “New York Arts Magazine”, “American Book Review”, “East
Village Eye”, ”Republique de letters”.
Predavala je književnost i teoriju pozorišne
avangarde na brojnim univerzitetima kao sto su
Naropa University, New York University, the Harriman Institute,
St.John’s University u Sjedinjenim Državama, a u Evropi predaje na Sorboni i na univerzitetu Paris 8.
Živi i radi u Parizu.
Kraća Bibliografija
Pesme, Beograd, Nolit, 1982
(Brankova nagrada)
Mostovi Koji Rastu, Beograd, Nolit, 1984
Knjige Nezavisnih Izdavaca, Beograd., Narodna Knjiga, 1985
More or Less urgent, Minnesota, New Rivers Press,
Duh renesanse, Prosveta, Beograd
I Was a War Reporter in Egypt, New York,
Leaves Press, 1992
Philippe Sollers, Paris, Noel
Blandin, 1992
Inside and Out of Byzantium, New York,
Semiotexte, 1994
Vizantijske Price, Beograd, Vreme
Knjige, 1995
Divan, Zrenjanin, Branicevo, 1995
I Lavirint, Vršac, KOV, 1996
Snova, roman, Narodna Knjiga, Beograd, 2000
Kao Sto vec rekoh, roman, Prosveta,
Beograd, 2002
of New York City (Izabrane pesme, predgovor
Charles Simic),
Cool Grove, New York, 2002
Orfejev Povratak (pripovetke), Prosveta,
Beograd, 2003
été cette journaliste de guerre en Egypte » (izabrana poezija), L’Harmatan, Paris, 2004
Slovo P, (poezija), Beogradska Manufaktura Snova, Beograd, 2004
Veka (poezija) Beogradska Manufaktura Snova, Belgrade, 2006
Milosh Crnjanski, de la Serbie à l’exil et son retour (monografija), l’Harmattan,Paris, 2007
Sous le Signe de
Cyber Cybele, poezija, Harmatan, Francuska 2009
Iznenadni Blesak
(razgovori sa savremenicima), Glasnik,
Beograd 2009
Onze Femmes
Artistes, Nomades et Slaves, Non Lieu, Paris, 2011
O malim objektima
Mali objekti su toliko
Treba im vremena da disu
Otpustaju energiju i onda
Pricaju sa raznima pricaju sa svima
Dok tako pricaju caskaju carlijaju pricaju
Stepenice mere otkucaj srca
Gledaj kako zaleprsa pa odleti
Prekriveno bojama rdje prekriveno peskom I algama
A Beket je bio u pravu kad rece
Da je zemicka samo rec a ni covek
nije « rec mnogo bolja »
Eh, da disemo svezinu leta
Dragocene male objekte pesak i
lenje galebove
Koji uzlecu
Vazna je reciklaza
Sadasnjosti buducnosti a i proslosti
Tog otuznog objekta koga stavljamo
Na dlan na ljuljasku taj bljesak
srecnog trenutka
Secanja dolaze i odlaze u naletima
Ona nas ne prozdiru vec samo prostiru…
Savrsena damska krinolina seta kroz bastu
U kojoj se noc oprostila sa
Sljunkom i raskosnim visterijama
Treba sada i ovde da otkrijes izlaz
Da pronadjes kljuc
Da uzdahnes
Pre no sto zakoracis niz
Stepenice pre no sto
Postanes mlada I pogrebni mladozenja
Pre no sto pobacas sitan sljunak
Na neke ljude na sve ljude
Brojim ih… I nikada se ne igram
sa njima
Isuvise umorna da se igram
Ko su svi ovi ljudi ?
Isuvise uzbudjeni da igraju
Ostavljeni na milost
Galebovima I blistavom sjajnom pesku
Bez oprosta bez trouglastih
Bez perja bez pompe bez kajanja
Bez lastavica bez perja bez pompe
Bez kajanja
Ljubav je setna plava zlatna
i prava
Prestani sa segacenjem pisi
svoju poeziju
Popi lek uglancaj
Idi u skolu mangupiraj se
Izaci iz sopstvene kule baci
je u vazduh
Orlando rece
Podne je skromno i hrani se mrvama
Mali objekti govore Svahili i cuvaju
postmoderni postkomatozni sjaj gde noc drhti
I zatvara nad glavama sustavi veo
Spasen od sigurne sigurnosti od mudrog znanja
Od siromasne informacije
Duz klizavog doka
Objekat se ugnezdio
Okrugao mudar I hranljiv
Ne progorava I krije svoje skrivene dane
cudan ukus
Svoju slavnu proslost
Bezvremen je
Majko da li me volis?
Majko da li ti je do mene
A meni, do tebe?
Eto, odgegaces se tom sljunkovitom stazom I ostavices me
Samu u svemiru ispunjenom zemickama i zvezdama i
Sjajnim objektima debelim
knjigama i glasnom muzikom
Sublimnim objektima veselim
recnicima zarobljenim vremenom
Ispunjenom sargarepama cveklom I
ostalim lekovima
Djavoljim satarasem
kaldrmom prstenjem od opala i
kobaltnim sutonom
Laka kisa spira ogromne robote
drske racune
Pozajmice I kredite glupe
rekvizite optocene kremenom
Vraca mi se ljubav I sad je vec
Setna plava zlatna i prava
Noc ce isprati
blatom zudnja
Slatkast otuzan miris cilibara
smrad cilibara
Neodredjen i Bozji
Krajnje francuski znaci
rigorozan nezasticen ozbiljan
Uplasen i zaboravan
Kamioni zgrusenih reci
Vesnici zudnje
ministarstva cekanja
Kafici puni izazova
Skole prepune pogrebnika imena
pretrpana istorijom
Saljivdzije nabijene znanjem
Evo greske cujes kasalj gle ludaka
A mi se vozimo u magicnoj opni
Iza membrane prekrivene ledom I legendarnim cutanjem
Hajde dodji dodji brzo
Uzdahu zenice moje kostana
srzi cveta mog
Taj cvet pokusava da odrzi obecanje koje
ti je dao na dnu
Najdubljeg purpurnoga mora
I ON small objects
Small objects are precious
they take time to breathe
they contain energy and then they walk
they talk
they talk to all sorts of folk
and talk and
talk and talk
and talk
The stairs are there to measure the heartbeat
see how it flutters and then flies away
its rusty colours covered with sand and seaweed
Beckett was surely right
that bun is just a (s)word and man is
not much better
Oh to breathe the loveliness of summer
the precious small objects the sand and lazy seagulls
taking off
the importance of being recycled
the present the future and then the past
a suffocating object placed on
a palm a swing a tinge a happy momentum
Memories come and go in snatches
they do not devour just deflower
a perfect ladylike gown walks through
the garden where the night had said good-bye
to small pebbles lush wisterias
you have to figure out
the exit you
figure out
the keys you
taking a
breath of air
before you
the staircase
before you
becoming a bride a nightmarish groom
before you
throwing these small pebbles
at other people and yet other people
counting them
up never playing with them
too tired to
play who are these people
too feverish
to play
left all
to the seagulls and to that bright bright sand
unforgiving no rectangular swallows
no feathers no pomp no remorse
no swallows
no feathers no pomp
no remorse
Love is blue
love is gold love is true
stop being childish
write that poetry
swallow your medicine brush up your shoes
and go to school
and be a fool
get out of your castle and blow it off Orlando said
noon is humble feeding on crumbs
small objects speak Swahili and retain their post
modern post comatose glamour where night shivers
and closes its shimmering veil
saved from certainty saved from knowledge
saved from the poverty of information
along a shady dock
an object takes its place
round and
wise and nourishing
it says
nothing about its hidden days about its
strange taste
about its glorious past
it is extemporal
Mother do
you love me?
Mother do
you care?
And do I care, for you?
There you will trot
along the tiny pebble path and leave me all alone
in the universe peopled with buns and stars and
shiny trinkets
staggering books and loud records
subliminal objects
cheerful dictionaries encapsulated in time
with carrots
beetroots thistle remedies
witch’s brews cobblestones agate rings cobalt
light rain washes away huge robots impertinent bills
mortgage loans
stupid yawns hammered in
love comes back to me and is
blue gold
and true
night will wash away the pebbles
soaked in mud
expressionist yearning
sweet sweet smell of amber the odour of amber
neutral and
very French and rigorous unprotected stern
scared and oblivious
the trucks loaded with words
sentinels of yearning ministries of waiting
cafes filled with challenge
schools full of undertakers names peppered with history
stuffed with science
a bluff a
cough a nut
he is a bluff
and you are a nut
and we are riding in a magic shell
covered with ice and legendary silence
come to me
right now
the eye of my apple
heart of my flower
is trying to keep that promise it
made at the bottom
of the deepest crimson sea
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